As you are probably aware, Merton Council decided earlier this year to approve construction of a 55-metre-tall office building in the town centre, opposite Wimbledon Station. You may also know that because the proposed building is more than 30 metres high, the Mayor of London is obliged to uphold or overturn Merton’s decision.
We understand that the application has now been referred to the Mayor, which means there are just 14 days left in which to make comments and representations.
We have objected to the proposed development on grounds of excessive height and scale, design and environmental impact. It would be an enormous building (27,000 sq m, almost all office space), 15m taller than the tallest nearby building, which would dominate the town centre.
If you haven’t yet done so, please have a look at the plans on Merton’s website (planning number 21/P3163) and if you have concerns, make them known to the London Mayor’s office now via: . Click on the link and search for the application by typing in 2021/1153. Then click on the application number under “Name” and the Comments tab to leave a comment.
As a reminder, some of the arguments against this proposal are set out here. Please use your own words as far as possible.
Friends of Wimbledon Town
To better reflect the needs of residents and the resources available, Friends of Wimbledon Town has recently been reconstituted as an apolitical community organisation. Our aims remain essentially the same: To provide a voice for residents in the broad area in and around Wimbledon Town. To campaign on behalf of their interests. To monitor development proposals and other proposed changes for the broad area in and around Wimbledon Town and consider their impact on residents and users. To inform residents, if considered appropriate, of the potential impact of such proposals and plans. Our new email address is: [email protected] And you can find our new website (under construction) at:
If you would like to continue to receive our emails, you need do nothing. If you prefer not to, please click on the Unsubscribe link below.
Date for your diary
The next meeting of the Wimbledon Community Forum will take place on Wednesday 30 November at 7.15pm (venue the Arts Space at Wimbledon Library). These meetings, chaired by local councillors, are for anyone with an interest in the local area. More details can be found on Merton Council’s website