Other local organisations and charities with Wimbledon Town and environs at the heart of their activities:
- Friends of South Park Gardens https://southparkgardens.org/
- Friends of Wimbledon Park https://www.friendsofwimbledonpark.org/
- Wimbledon and Putney Commons https://www.wpcc.org.uk/
- Wimbledon East Hillside Residents Association https://wehra.co.uk/
- Wimbledon Society https://wimbledonsociety.org.uk/

Wimbledon Community Forum
Community forum meetings are for anyone with an interest in the local area. They are chaired by local councillors. Issues raised are referred to the responsible organisation to follow up and report back.
Merton Council Local Plan
Merton Council’s Local Plan sets out a vision and a plan for the future development of Merton. The plan guides decisions on whether planning applications are granted. A new Local Plan for Merton is currently being created.